1. How long will be the natural products durable?
Solid soaps:
12 months after first use (PAO 12 M) ***
*** The international symbol for cosmetic durability is an open cream jar, in which there is a number - this explains the period of use of the respective product after opening:
PAO 12 M means that the soap has a shelf life of 42 months from production.
The prerequisite for a PAO symbol is a shelf life of 30 months and the opened pan indicates how long the soap can be used after the first use. This product is 12 months after you first brought it into contact with water.
Liquid products:
6 months after first use (PAO 6 M) ***
*** PAO 6 M means that the liquid products have a shelf life of 36 months from production.
The requirement for a PAO symbol is a shelf life of 30 months and the opened crucible indicates how long the product can be kept after the first use. So with this product 6 months after you opened the pump end.
2. How can I return the empty glass bottles?
Returning empties by post:
Collect your empty BellFill bottles. This saves you time, shipping (fee) and packaging.
For 4 empty, returned 250 ml glass bottles, we will credit you with € 6 for the next purchase. This corresponds to a deposit of € 1.50 / bottle. In addition, we will pay part of your shipping fee for a return shipment with 4 bottles, in the amount of € 2. You will also receive this as a credit on your customer account. And very important: You help to relieve the earth!
Please choose a CO2-neutral logistics service.
If possible, use our original shipping packaging and, if necessary, filling material for the return shipment. So we can conserve resources here too, by keeping material (here valuable paper) in the cycle.
Please leave product labels on the bottles. Unfortunately, we cannot take the bottles back without a barcode.
Please screw the bottles with the original closures before returning them and put them in the "stop position". This way you avoid product residues getting into the box and contaminating or moistening it.
A deposit is only refunded for intact glass bottles.
Unfortunately, we cannot credit bottles with cracks, chipped areas or scratches. Please dispose of such damaged bottles via the glass recycling container for white glass.
Return of empties in stationary retail:
Do you have a store near you that sells LAPAHDU products? All the better. Our partners are happy to take back your empty 250 ml glass bottles.
Here you can get your deposit of € 1.50 back for a bottle by deducting it from your purchase.
The following also applies here: Before returning the bottle, please screw it back to the original cap and set it to the "stop position".
A deposit is only refunded for intact glass bottles with original labels. Bottles without a barcode, with a crack, chipped areas or scratches cannot be taken back.
3. How and where do I store my LAPAHDU products?
Please store your products as indicated on the label. Do not expose to direct sunlight and it is best to store it below 25 degrees Celsius.
4. How can I pay?
You can find all the details here:
5. Does LAPAHDU use palm oil?
We use RSPO certified organic palm oil for our solid soaps!
Palm oil is often not portrayed neutrally in the media or is generally condemned. However, such blanket judgments mean that important aspects are not taken into account. In summary, it is important to understand that palm oil is basically a good oil, especially as soon as it has been organically grown under RSPO conditions (see explanation below) and in a controlled manner.
First of all, for cultivation:
An adult oil palm produces tufts of fruit of more than 20 kg about 15 times a year. Production only slowly starts to decline from the 21st year.
The high productivity of the oil palm, among other interesting properties, has made it the most successful of all oil plants today:
With an average of 3.69 tons per hectare (t / ha), the oil palm has by far the highest yield of all oil plants (On the oil trail, WWF).
In addition, the oil palm is robust and less susceptible to pests.
Coconut oil, which is often referred to as an alternative, produces just 0.7 tons of vegetable oil on the same acreage, ie on one hectare.
An oil palm is therefore much more productive than a coconut palm. Conversely, significantly more water is required for the same amount of coconut oil in cultivation.
Of all oil fruits, the oil palm takes up the smallest part, about 6 percent, of the total cultivated area for the worldwide oil and fat production. At the same time, however, it accounts for the largest share of total production at around 32 percent.
A large part of the global demand for vegetable oils can be covered with palm oil in a comparatively small area:
A complete replacement of palm oil with coconut oil would therefore require more than four times as much space.
The situation is similar for other vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil or sunflower oil: with around 0.7 tonnes of oil yield per hectare, you also need four times the area under cultivation compared to palm oil. Soy plants even require eight times the area for the same yield!
In addition, palm oil production is the livelihood of small farmers in many countries and is therefore an opportunity to fight poverty.
But as with almost everything, palm oil depends on the production conditions:
In 2011, the environmental organization WWF founded "The Roundtable of Sustainable Palm Oil" (RSPO, "Round Table for Sustainable Palm Oil").
The aim of the RSPO is to persuade as many palm oil producers as possible to comply with established standards and to certi fi cate this “sustainable” oil for customers.
The minimum requirements include:
- No (fire) clearing of forests that are particularly worth protecting for new plantations
- Responsibility towards the environment and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity
- Use of appropriate, proven and exemplary methods by cultivating companies and mills, for example to ensure long-term soil fertility and avoid erosion
- Protection of endangered animal and plant species on the plantation
- Protection of water, soil and air
- Compliance with legal regulations, including land use and property rights
- Compliance with legal child labor, but educational offers for the children living on the plantation, including land use and property rights
- Involvement and promotion of small farmers
- Control of the plantations by independent, authorized inspectors
- As far as possible no large-scale plantings on sensitive soils
- No new plantations on peat soils since November 2018
- Reduce and document pesticide use
- responsible consideration of employees and affected individuals and communities
- Mechanisms for resolving land conflicts
The RSPO is currently the most important certi fi cate for palm oil: According to its own information, 19 percent of the world's palm oil production and 2.9 million hectares of cultivated area are RSPO-certi fi ed.
This means that the palm oil we use comes from better and more extensively tested sources than most of the other vegetable oils available.
https://www.wwf.de/themen-projekte/landwirtschaft/produkte-aus-der-landwirtschaft/runde-tische/ runder-tisch-palmoel/
Why we made a conscious decision to use palm oil in our soaps:
The following has been shown in the development of our soap formulations:
We made the same soaps once with coconut oil and once with palm oil. In use, the palm oil soaps produce an incomparably delicate and at the same time compact, wonderful foam that pampers the skin with moisture as soon as it is washed. And is simply awesome for wet shaving! For you this means that you can clean, shave and care in one process.
The beautiful effect of our soaps is also related to the valuable properties and ingredients of palm oil!
Among other things, palm oil contains:
- Tocotrienols (Vitamin E)
and - the coenzyme Q10
Vitamin E acts as a protective shield in the human body, shielding it from harmful, free radicals and can thus prevent cell aging.
Vitamin E is additionally supported by the coenzyme Q10 contained in palm oil, which is known as a free radical scavenger.
Palm oil is therefore a natural care product that is particularly beneficial for dry skin.
- it is smoothing the skin,
- antioxidant
- and also has a moisturizing effect.
The special fatty acid construct makes palm oil particularly valuable for our cosmetics.
So you see, as with all our decisions, we make a very conscious and careful selection of this valuable vegetable component of the LAPAHDU products.